Youth Faith Formation (K-8)
2024-2025 Registration
Parents of children that were enrolled in Faith Formation in 2024 were contacted via email to place their children in a class before this formal registration occurs.
Contact Amy J. Strickland at if you have not registered your children by August 4th, 2024.
In person classes begin Sunday, September 15, 2024
Having problems with Faith Direct payments?
See below to troubleshoot:
FAITH DIRECT TROUBLESHOOTING Once the page opens, click register
- Enter information in all fields
- If you are registering more than one child….you have the option to enter another child when you finish entering all the information for the first child.
- Choose Payment Option at the bottom of the page. If you are paying for two different categories you can use the the Other Category (add them up and enter the total amount)
Make sure to use the right category
One Child -Parishioner – $135.00
Two children -Parishioner – $220.00
Three or more children- Parishioner – $290.00
One Child Non-Parishioner – $200.00
Two Children Non-Parishioner – $320.00
Three or more children Non-Parishioner – $425.00
Homeschool Kindergarten – 8th Grade $85.00
CASH/CHECK – $0.00
OTHER (paying for two or three different categories – add amounts and enter the total you owe)
You will receive a confirmation email once you are done.
If it does not go through, go back and edit the page, just to make sure all required fields are filled. Sometimes you just need to re-enter the billing information and it will work,
NOTE: A bar will pop up that talks about the use of cookies, just click OK.
Faith Formation classes are available for children in grades kindergarten through 8th grade who attend public schools
Classes are offered these days and times:
- Sunday 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m.
- Wednesday 4:45 p.m.-5:45 p.m.
- Spanish – Sunday 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm
The mission of each family is to bring their children to know Christ and to know the gift of our Catholic Faith. Parents are the primary teachers of their children. To assist families in this most important mission of living their faith, St. Ann works in partnership with parents to assist them in living their vocation as the children’s primary teachers.
All children not enrolled in a Catholic school are to be enrolled in faith formation classes annually from Kindergarten-Eighth Grade. Each year builds on the prior one, so missed grades need to be made up.
First Communion should occur in second grade; Confirmation occurs at the start of ninth grade. There is a 2 year preparation for both sacraments.
Mass attendance is expected weekly for the entirety of a Mass.
On-time attendance at all classes is expected. There are only 30 hours of instruction per year, with a lot of material to review and a lot of new things to learn! Three absences are permitted, as we understand illnesses, unexpected travel, etc., may arise. If there are extraordinary circumstances in your family (e.g., the need to travel regularly to care for an elderly parent, shared custody agreements, etc.), please let us know in advance so we may work with you. Also, if your child has special needs, please inform us in advance.
If your child is being homeschooled, at least one lesson per week should be completed for each week there are in-person classes, and there should be a satisfactory result on each unit assessment.
Student conduct should reflect Christian attitudes and virtues. It is an injustice to the other students if a catechist must spend class time disciplining an unruly student.
Expectations of Students
Students are to act respectfully toward all adults and address them by their last name.
Toys, games, cell phones and other potentially disruptive items are not permitted in class. If they are brought to class, catechists will keep them in a designated space where students can pick them up afterwards.
Students may not bring food or drink to class, including chewing gum. Water bottles are permitted and encouraged.
Students may not walk or run around the classroom, throw objects, speak out of turn, or make fun of or bully other students.
Students must sit up and pay attention throughout the entire class. They may not keep their eyes closed or lay their head down on their desk.
Students may not write on chalk or dry-erase boards unless it is for the purpose of the lesson, and permitted by the catechist.
Students must follow the classroom rules and routine set forth by their catechist.
Expectations of Catechists
Catechists are to establish classroom rules and a routine at the beginning of the school year and present them to their students on the first day of class.
Catechists are to treat all students with respect and foster a positive and encouraging learning environment.
Catechists are to be fair and consistent in their expectations and discipline of students.
Steps to be taken to Address Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive behavior will be addressed according to the steps below, using as few steps as necessary to resolve the issue.
The catechist will speak to the student in class.
The catechist will notify the parents, or legal guardians, and Director of Faith Formation of the situation. Parents, or legal guardians, should speak with their child about their behavior.
A parent, or legal guardian, and the student will meet with the Director of Faith Formation and catechist to resolve the situation.
It may require for a parent to attend class with their child.
The Faith Formation Office communicates with parents primarily through email. Please be sure to check your email regularly for important updates. Parents, or legal guardians, that do not have regular access to email should let the office know so that alternate arrangements can be made. In the event that a student emails their catechist, or the Director of Faith Formation, directly, their parent, or legal guardian, must be copied on the email. This ensures their safety.
Students, volunteers and visitors are expected to dress in a manner that respects their dignity as children of God who are made in His image and likeness. Their dress should also be conducive to a successful learning environment for all.
All students should arrive at least five minutes early for class. Students must be picked up promptly after the class ends. Parents should notify their child’s catechist, and the Director of Faith Formation, if they need to be dismissed early from class for any reason. Children in classes from Kindergarten to 5th grade must be picked up by a parent or designated adult (let the catechist know if you need an older sibbling to pick them up). If you will be late to pick your child up, please call the Faith Formation Office at 703-528-6276 ext. 4
Please note on your child’s registration if he or she has any medical issues of which the catechists should be aware (e.g., ASD, ADHD, hearing or vision loss, etc.).