Meals on Wheels
Activity:Arlington Meals on Wheels currently delivers meals to approximately 120 clients each day, five days a week. Each delivery consists of one complete hot meal and one complete cold meal as well as milk and juice and is delivered midday. Client generally are home bound or unable to shop or cook for themselves. All meals are delivered by volunteers either from Arlington churches or unaffiliated.For further information, please go to the Meals on Wheels website:
Volunteers: Adult volunteers form driver-deliverer teams. 16 members from St Ann deliver Meals on Wheels at least once a month for a total of 12 routes each month. Each route has an average of approximately 8 client for a total of 96 delivery’s (of two meals each) per month.
Time Commitment: One or more weekdays each month about 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Contact: Richard Strasser, Coordinator, e-mail:
Volunteer for or inquire about this ministry using the form below.