Boy Scouts
The Parish has a long tradition of scouting since 1949. Volunteer adults mentor boys and girls of the St. Ann community.
Activity: Lead or assist with Boy Scout Troop 624 (for boys in 6th grade through high school) and Cub Scout Pack 624 (for boys in 1st through 5th grades); For more information, visit our website:
The Cub Scouting program builds character, citizenship, and personal fitness through a family-oriented program designed specifically to address the needs of younger boys. Cub Scout Pack 624 at Saint Ann aims to make boys aware of the beauty of God’s creation, emphasizing that the Scout Oath’s first Duty is to God.
Volunteers: Young Adult and up
Time Commitment: Varies – weekly troop meetings, 2-3 weekend overnight camping trips per year.
- Spencer Norcross – contact the parish office at 703-528-6276 or email at to contact the Boy Scouts.
Volunteer for or inquire about this ministry using the form below.