St. Ann’s Job Cooperative & Resources from Arlington County

Saint Ann’s Parish is initiating a “job cooperative” for families who worship, attend, or work at St. Ann Church or at St. Ann School.

The program attempts to pair workers whose families may be suffering financial hardship due to the Coronavirus epidemic with job-creators — families in need of help with chores or errands. Due to the constraints of the Coronavirus guidelines, jobs will currently be restricted to activities that can be conducted in compliance with social distancing standards. A mask must be worn by the workers any time they are in the proximity of homeowners. Workers should expect to remain outside the home at all times, barring an arrangement initiated by the homeowner job-creator.

Job-creators expect to pay a minimum of $12 per hour for unskilled work, more for skilled labor (to be negotiated by the parties).  The parties will be responsible for establishing method of payment.

For this program to work, we need job-creators and willing workers. Job-creators may have work or errands they need performed.  Workers need only to be willing and able to perform work. If you satisfy the eligibility requirements (above) and want to participate in the program, log on to SignUp Genius at  Check the box as to whether you are a job-creator or worker and “Submit and Sign Up”.  Fill out the contact information and the “service” that you are requesting and “Sign Up Now”.  If you do not have access to the Internet, call Jackie Thompson, at Faith Formation, (703) 864-0941 and be sure to leave a message with your phone number.

Jackie will contact job-creators about the service they are requesting, and eligible workers for details about availability, such as the times of availability, experience, and whether you have your own transportation and are willing to run errands (please clarify any limitations on errands, for example “willing to do curbside pickup, but not enter stores” versus “willing to do shopping with grocery list”).  Once Jackie has this information, she will begin the process of pairing job-creators and workers.

Neither St. Ann Parish nor St. Ann School is acting as an employer or employee with respect to this process, but is merely facilitating the flow of information to connect interested parties.  Neither St. Ann Parish nor St. Ann School assumes any liability with respect to any activity (or payment for such activity) arising out of this collective community effort to ease hardships created by the Coronavirus epidemic.


Other resources if assistance is need for food and emergency funds:

Please see the links below for short videos (in Spanish and English) detailing how to call 703-228-1300 (Department of Human Services’ main line). This number is utilized for receiving food and emergency financial assistance (for rent, utilities, etc.) for Arlington residents.