Updates About How St. Ann Parish Is Celebrating Our 75 Year Jubilee! History Subcommittee, Malawi Mission, Evangelization
Did you know that our parish of Saint Ann was founded on September 25, 1947?
Our theme for this Jubilee Year is:
Saint Ann 75th Jubilee Year
Remembering. Celebrating. Renewing
“I am with you always.” (Mt 28:20).
¿Sabías que nuestra parroquia de Santa Ana fue fundada el 25 de septiembre de 1947?
Nuestro tema para este Año Jubilar es
Santa Ana 75 Año Jubilar
Recordando. Celebrando. Renovando
“Estoy contigo siempre”. (Mt 28:20).
A Jubilee Prayer – Oración Jubilar Parroquial
75th Anniversary Celebration – This Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm!
We will have our 75th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, September 24th, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, a big event with food, games, and much more.
Bishop Michael Burbidge will celebrate a special Mass in commemoration of our anniversary at 11:00am. We will have our 75th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, September 24th, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, a big event with food, games, and much more.
This event is always a fun day for our parish and school community, as well as for others who attend from the local community. Saint Ann is calling all hands on deck to make this fundraising and community-building event a success! Volunteers are needed! If you can help, please see the link and QR code to volunteer:
Check Out Items and Make Bids on Auction Items:
To Volunteer for Day of the Festival Events and Activities:
Purchase Tickets Here:
More Updates on How St. Ann Parish is Celebrating our Celebrates Our 75 Year Jubilee:
History Subcommittee:
Celebrating the Faithful: Ministries & Stories.
Interested in learning more about of our ministries and parishioners? Click here to read over 30 histories, recollections, and stories told by Saint Ann members. The text is searchable if you are looking for a particular story, and it is set up to print as a full-size booklet with 25 double-sided pages if you want a printed keepsake. In the interests of economy and the environment, we are only offering it here.
Celebrando a los Fieles: Ministerios e Historias.
¿Interesado en aprender más sobre nuestros ministerios y feligreses? Haga clic aquí para leer más de 30 historias, recuerdos e historias contadas por miembros de Saint Ann. El texto se puede buscar si está buscando una historia en particular, y está configurado para imprimirse como un folleto de tamaño completo con 25 páginas a doble cara si desea un recuerdo impreso. En aras de la economía y el medio ambiente, solo lo ofrecemos aquí.
See our current ministries here/Vea nuestros ministerios actuales aquí:
Our 75th Anniversary History Walk is installed and ready for you to enjoy!
The Walk covers 13 different sites on our parish grounds. Start at the Welcome Signs at the 10th Street entrance to the lower level of the Church or at the Harrison Street entrance – or anywhere you see a sign. There are short reflections posted at each site with a QR Code that links via your smartphone to online histories for each site. Once you have scanned in, you can navigate from site to site on your phone. There is a map online as well. A few maps are available in the Narthex if you don’t use a smart phone. You can complete the walk all at one time or visit different sites each week. The total distance if you walk a full circle is about 1100 steps or just under half a mile long. You also can take the history part of the Walk from home! Go to the link on our Saint Ann website from your home computer or tablet and start your “stroll”.
We have made every effort to provide accurate information in our History Walk and create a lasting digital resource for Saint Ann. If you notice any error or discrepancy, please send Mona an email at monamurphy99@gmail.com so we can make appropriate corrections. Enjoy the Walk!
Many thanks to our History Subcommittee members who worked hard on the Walk, and special thanks to Mary Kay Lanzillotta for designing the Walk’s signs, to Ted Stump creating the web pages, and to Guillermo Silva, Jackie Thompson and Cristina Pereira for their translations – there would be no History Walk without you!
The History Walk is Available Virtually here:
Evangelization Subcommittee:
Evangelization for the Jubilee anniversary invites you to the view the virtual “Renewing Faith Series” entitled, Reflecting on the Real Presence of Christ through the rhythm of the celebration and how this experience molds our ways of living.
The April installment is available here:
The May installment is available here:
The August installment is here:
More Past Installments of the Renewing Faith Series (Liturgy Series) are available elsewhere on the website or simply click the St. Ann Statue below:
Learn more about our Mission Outreach to Malawi Mission:
New Maize Mills purchased by St. Ann Chapel in Matula village needs roof
SUCCESSFUL ST ANN 75th JUBILEE DRIVE FOR THE CICM MALAWI MISSION! As of the end of May, St Ann parishioners have donated over $31,000 to the CICM Malawi Mission! An amazing amount and twice our $15,000 target! These donations were enough to use $17,000 to purchase two much-needed maize mills for the St. Apolonia, and Immaculate Heart of Mary parishes in Northern Malawi.
The mills will be operational in August, once the villagers complete their housing structures. Some of the remaining funds will be used for roofing materials for three currently roofless chapels, and plaques honoring our St. Ann’s support will be installed. The successful St. Ann Outreach has really shown St. Ann’s ‘missionary spirit’ to assist oversees missions in need of our support. Our specific goal for this Mission Outreach has been reached.
The Mission Outreach Committee for St Ann’s 75th year Jubilee celebration thanks you for your enthusiasm and exceptional support! This international outreach is a great way to mark our 75th Jubilee and a testament to our Christian spirit and generosity. Please check the display in the narthex for more information.
For questions or more information, contact Jim Ward, Mission Outreach Committee (jim.b.ward@gmail.com).