Retirement Home/Nursing Home Ministry

Sunrise 5Activity:  Conduct weekly liturgical services of prayer, readings, music, reflections, and communion; assist at a monthly Mass at Sunrise Retirement Community in Arlington. Each Sunday at 1:30 PM, a liturgical service is held for residents at the Sunrise Retirement Community on Wilson Blvd. (Bluemont Park) who are unable to travel to Sunday Mass. Volunteers greet residents, share Sunday scripture readings, provide a reflection on the day’s gospel reading, distribute communion, and cantor or provide musical accompaniment for the service. On the third Wednesday of each month, a Mass is celebrated in the James Bldg. for Sunrise residents. Volunteers are scheduled within a 3-month cycle. Training is available and potential volunteers are welcome to drop by the James Building any Sunday to observe and join in our gathering which lasts about 30 minutes.
Volunteers: Adult presiders, Teen, Adult, Family readers, musicians, singers (musical groups welcome)
Time Commitment:  Mutually agreed schedule; services each Sunday, 1:15-2:15 p.m. and third Wednesday each month, 11:00 a.m. – noon.
Contact:  Mary Stephenson, 703-536-8126,

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